Identification Number Index

ID Numbers 1201 - 1400

1201, Fusel oil, Guide 127
1202, Diesel fuel, Guide 128
1202, Fuel oil, Guide 128
1202, Fuel oil, no. 1,2,4,5,6, Guide 128
1202, Gas oil, Guide 128
1202, Heating oil, light, Guide 128
1203, Gasohol, Guide 128
1203, Gasoline, Guide 128
1203, Motor spirit, Guide 128
1203, Petrol, Guide 128
1204, Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with not more than 1% Nitroglycerin, Guide 127
1204, Spirits of Nitroglycerin, not exceeding 1% Nitroglycerin, Guide 127
1206, Heptanes, Guide 128
1207, Hexaldehyde, Guide 129
1208, Hexanes, Guide 128
1208, Neohexane, Guide 128
1210, Ink, printer's, flammable, Guide 129
1210, Printing ink, flammable, Guide 129
1210, Printing ink related material, Guide 129
1212, Isobutanol, Guide 129
1212, Isobutyl alcohol, Guide 129
1213, Isobutyl acetate, Guide 129
1214, Isobutylamine, Guide 132
1216, Isooctene, Guide 128
1218, Isoprene, inhibited, Guide 130P
1219, Isopropanol, Guide 129
1219, Isopropyl alcohol, Guide 129
1220, Isopropyl acetate, Guide 129
1221, Isopropylamine, Guide 132
1222, Isopropyl nitrate, Guide 130
1223, Kerosene, Guide 128
1224, Ketones, liquid, n.o.s., Guide 127
1226, Cigarette lighter, with flammable liquid, Guide 127
1226, Lighters for cigars, cigarettes etc. with lighter fluid, Guide 127
1226, Lighters for cigars, cigarettes (flammable liquid), Guide 127
1228, Mercaptan mixture, aliphatic, Guide 131
1228, Mercaptan mixture, liquid, flammable, poisonous, n.o.s., Guide 131
1228, Mercaptan mixture, liquid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s., Guide 131
1228, Mercaptan mixtures, liquid, n.o.s., Guide 131
1228, Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, poisonous, n.o.s., Guide 131
1228, Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s., Guide 131
1229, Mesityl oxide, Guide 129
1230, Methanol, Guide 131
1230, Methyl alcohol, Guide 131
1231, Methyl acetate, Guide 129
1232, Methyl acetone, Guide 127
1233, Methylamyl acetate, Guide 129
1234, Methylal, Guide 127
1235, Methylamine, aqueous solution, Guide 132
1237, Methyl butyrate, Guide 129
1238, Methyl chloroformate, Guide 155TIH Material
1239, Methyl chloromethyl ether, Guide 131TIH Material
1242, Methyldichlorosilane, Guide 139TIH & Water Reactive
1243, Methyl formate, Guide 129
1244, Methylhydrazine, Guide 131TIH Material
1245, Methyl isobutyl ketone, Guide 127
1246, Methyl isopropenyl ketone, inhibited, Guide 127P
1247, Methyl methacrylate monomer, inhibited, Guide 129P
1247, Methyl methacrylate monomer, uninhibited, Guide 129P
1248, Methyl propionate, Guide 129
1249, Methyl propyl ketone, Guide 127
1250, Methyltrichlorosilane, Guide 155TIH & Water Reactive
1251, Methyl vinyl ketone, Guide 131PTIH Material
1251, Methyl vinyl ketone, stabilized, Guide 131PTIH Material
1255, Naphtha, petroleum, Guide 128
1255, Petroleum naphtha, Guide 128
1256, Naphtha, solvent, Guide 128
1257, Natural gasoline, Guide 128
1259, Nickel carbonyl, Guide 131TIH Material
1261, Nitromethane, Guide 129
1262, Isooctane, Guide 128
1262, Octanes, Guide 128
1263, Paint (flammable), Guide 128
1263, Paint related material (flammable), Guide 128
1264, Paraldehyde, Guide 129
1265, Isopentane, Guide 128
1265, n-Pentane, Guide 128
1265, Pentanes, Guide 128
1266, Perfumery products, with flammable solvents, Guide 127
1267, Petroleum crude oil, Guide 128
1268, Petroleum distillates, n.o.s., Guide 128
1268, Petroleum products, n.o.s., Guide 128
1270, Oil, petroleum, n.o.s., Guide 128
1270, Petroleum oil, Guide 128
1271, Petroleum ether, Guide 128
1271, Petroleum spirit, Guide 128
1272, Pine oil, Guide 129
1274, n-Propanol, Guide 129
1274, normal Propyl alcohol, Guide 129
1274, Propyl alcohol, normal, Guide 129
1275, Propionaldehyde, Guide 129
1276, n-Propyl acetate, Guide 129
1277, Monopropylamine, Guide 132
1277, Propylamine, Guide 132
1278, 1-Chloropropane, Guide 129
1278, Propyl chloride, Guide 129
1279, 1,2-Dichloropropane, Guide 130
1279, Dichloropropane, Guide 130
1279, Propylene dichloride, Guide 130
1280, Propylene oxide, Guide 127P
1281, Propyl formates, Guide 129
1282, Pyridine, Guide 129
1286, Rosin oil, Guide 127
1287, Rubber solution, Guide 127
1288, Shale oil, Guide 128
1289, Sodium methylate, alcohol mixture, Guide 132
1289, Sodium methylate, solution in alcohol, Guide 132
1292, Ethyl silicate, Guide 132
1292, Tetraethyl silicate, Guide 132
1293, Tinctures, medicinal, Guide 127
1294, Toluene, Guide 130
1295, Trichlorosilane, Guide 139TIH & Water Reactive
1296, Triethylamine, Guide 132
1297, Trimethylamine, aqueous solution, Guide 132
1298, Trimethylchlorosilane, Guide 155TIH & Water Reactive
1299, Turpentine, Guide 128
1300, Turpentine substitute, Guide 128
1301, Vinyl acetate, Guide 129P
1301, Vinyl acetate, inhibited, Guide 129P
1302, Vinyl ethyl ether, Guide 127P
1302, Vinyl ethyl ether, inhibited, Guide 127P
1303, Vinylidene chloride, inhibited, Guide 129P
1304, Vinyl isobutyl ether, Guide 127P
1304, Vinyl isobutyl ether, inhibited, Guide 127P
1305, Vinyltrichlorosilane, Guide 155
1305, Vinyltrichlorosilane, inhibited, Guide 155
1306, Wood preservatives, liquid, Guide 129
1307, Xylenes, Guide 130
1308, Zirconium metal, liquid, suspension, Guide 170
1308, Zirconium suspended in a flammable liquid, Guide 170
1308, Zirconium suspended in a liquid (flammable), Guide 170
1309, Aluminum powder, coated, Guide 170
1310, Ammonium picrate, wetted with not less than 10% water, Guide 113
1312, Borneol, Guide 133
1313, Calcium resinate, Guide 133
1314, Calcium resinate, fused, Guide 133
1318, Cobalt resinate, precipitated, Guide 133
1320, Dinitrophenol, wetted with not less than 15% water, Guide 113
1321, Dinitrophenolates, wetted with not less than 15% water, Guide 113
1322, Dinitroresorcinol, wetted with not less than 15% water, Guide 113
1323, Ferrocerium, Guide 170
1324, Film, Guide 133
1324, Films, nitrocellulose base, Guide 133
1325, Air bag inflators, Guide 133
1325, Air bag modules, Guide 133
1325, Antimony sulfide, solid, Guide 133
1325, Antimony sulphide, solid, Guide 133
1325, Burnt cotton, not picked, Guide 133
1325, Cosmetics, n.o.s., Guide 133
1325, Drugs, n.o.s., Guide 133
1325, Flammable solid, n.o.s., Guide 133
1325, Flammable solid, organic, n.o.s., Guide 133
1325, Fusee (rail or highway), Guide 133
1325, Medicines, flammable, solid, n.o.s., Guide 133
1325, N-Methyl-N'-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine, Guide 133
1325, Pyroxylin plastic, rod, sheet, roll, tube or scrap, Guide 133
1325, Smokeless powder for small arms, Guide 133
1326, Hafnium powder, wetted with not less than 25% water, Guide 170
1327, Bhusa, wet, damp or contaminated with oil, Guide 133
1327, Hay, wet, damp or contaminated with oil, Guide 133
1327, Straw, wet, damp or contaminated with oil, Guide 133
1328, Hexamethylenetetramine, Guide 133
1328, Hexamine, Guide 133
1330, Manganese resinate, Guide 133
1331, Matches, "strike anywhere", Guide 133
1332, Metaldehyde, Guide 133
1333, Cerium, slabs, ingots or rods, Guide 170
1334, Naphthalene, crude, Guide 133
1334, Naphthalene, refined, Guide 133
1336, Nitroguanidine (Picrite), wetted with not less than 20% water, Guide 113
1336, Nitroguanidine, wetted with not less than 20% water, Guide 113
1336, Picrite, wetted, Guide 113
1337, Nitrostarch, wet, with not less than 30% alcohol or solvent, Guide 113
1337, Nitrostarch, wetted with not less than 20% water, Guide 113
1337, Nitrostarch, wetted with not less than 30% solvent, Guide 113
1338, Phosphorus, amorphous, Guide 133
1338, Phosphorus, amorphous, red, Guide 133
1338, Red phosphorus, Guide 133
1338, Red phosphorus, amorphous, Guide 133
1339, Phosphorus heptasulfide, free from yellow and white Phosphorus, Guide 139
1339, Phosphorus heptasulphide, free from yellow and white Phosphorus, Guide 139
1340, Phosphorus pentasulfide, free from yellow or white Phosphorus, Guide 139TIH & Water Reactive
1340, Phosphorus pentasulphide, free from yellow or white Phosphorus, Guide 139TIH & Water Reactive
1341, Phosphorus sesquisulfide, free from yellow and white Phosphorus, Guide 139
1341, Phosphorus sesquisulphide, free from yellow and white Phosphorus, Guide 139
1343, Phosphorus trisulfide, free from yellow and white Phosphorus, Guide 139
1343, Phosphorus trisulphide, free from yellow and white Phosphorus, Guide 139
1344, Picric acid, wet, with not less than 10% water, Guide 113
1344, Trinitrophenol, wetted with not less than 30% water, Guide 113
1345, Rubber scrap, powdered or granulated, Guide 133
1345, Rubber shoddy, powdered or granulated, Guide 133
1346, Silicon powder, amorphous, Guide 170
1347, Silver picrate, wetted with not less than 30% water, Guide 113
1348, Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, wetted with not less than 15% water, Guide 113
1348, Sodium dinitro-ortho-cresolate, wetted, Guide 113
1349, Sodium picramate, wetted with not less than 20% water, Guide 113
1350, Sulfur, Guide 133
1350, Sulphur, Guide 133
1352, Titanium powder, wetted with not less than 25% water, Guide 170
1353, Fabrics impregnated with weakly nitrated Nitrocellulose, n.o.s., Guide 133
1353, Fibers impregnated with weakly nitrated Nitrocellulose, n.o.s., Guide 133
1353, Fibres impregnated with weakly nitrated Nitrocellulose, n.o.s., Guide 133
1353, Toe puffs, nitrocellulose base, Guide 133
1354, Trinitrobenzene, wetted with not less than 30% water, Guide 113
1355, Trinitrobenzoic acid, wetted with not less than 30% water, Guide 113
1356, TNT, wetted with not less than 30% water, Guide 113
1356, Trinitrotoluene, wetted with not less than 30% water, Guide 113
1357, Urea nitrate, wetted with not less than 20% water, Guide 113
1358, Zirconium metal, powder, wet, Guide 170
1358, Zirconium powder, wetted with not less than 25% water, Guide 170
1360, Calcium phosphide, Guide 139TIH & Water Reactive
1361, Carbon, animal or vegetable origin, Guide 133
1361, Charcoal, Guide 133
1361, Charcoal, briquettes, Guide 133
1361, Charcoal, shell, Guide 133
1361, Charcoal, wood, ground, crushed, granulated or pulverized, Guide 133
1361, Charcoal screenings, made from "Pinon" wood, Guide 133
1361, Charcoal screenings, other than "Pinon" wood screenings, Guide 133
1362, Carbon, activated, Guide 133
1363, Copra, Guide 135
1364, Cotton waste, oily, Guide 133
1365, Cotton, Guide 133
1365, Cotton, wet, Guide 133
1366, Diethylzinc, Guide 135
1369, p-Nitrosodimethylaniline, Guide 135
1370, Dimethylzinc, Guide 135
1372, Fiber, animal or vegetable, n.o.s., burnt, wet or damp, Guide 133
1372, Fibers, Guide 133
1373, Fabrics, animal, synthetic or vegetable, n.o.s., with oil, Guide 133
1373, Fiber, animal, synthetic or vegetable, n.o.s., with oil, Guide 133
1373, Fibres, animal, synthetic or vegetable, n.o.s., with oil, Guide 133
1374, Fish meal, unstabilized, Guide 133
1374, Fish meal containing less than 6% or more than 12% water, Guide 133
1374, Fish scrap, unstabilized, Guide 133
1374, Fish scrap containing less than 6% or more than 12% water, Guide 133
1376, Iron oxide, spent, Guide 135
1376, Iron sponge, spent, Guide 135
1378, Metal catalyst, wetted, Guide 170
1379, Paper, unsaturated oil treated, Guide 133
1380, Pentaborane, Guide 135TIH Material
1381, Phosphorus, white, dry or under water or in solution, Guide 136
1381, Phosphorus, yellow, dry or under water or in solution, Guide 136
1381, White phosphorus, dry, Guide 136
1381, White phosphorus, in solution, Guide 136
1381, White phosphorus, under water, Guide 136
1381, Yellow phosphorus, dry, Guide 136
1381, Yellow phosphorus, in solution, Guide 136
1381, Yellow phosphorus, under water, Guide 136
1382, Potassium sulfide, anhydrous, Guide 135
1382, Potassium sulfide, with less than 30% water of crystallization, Guide 135
1382, Potassium sulfide, with less than 30% water of hydration, Guide 135
1382, Potassium sulphide, anhydrous, Guide 135
1382, Potassium sulphide, with less than 30% water of crystallization, Guide 135
1382, Potassium sulphide, with less than 30% water of hydration, Guide 135
1383, Aluminum powder, pyrophoric, Guide 135
1383, Pyrophoric alloy, n.o.s., Guide 135
1383, Pyrophoric metal, n.o.s., Guide 135
1384, Sodium dithionite, Guide 135TIH & Water Reactive
1384, Sodium hydrosulfite, Guide 135TIH & Water Reactive
1384, Sodium hydrosulphite, Guide 135TIH & Water Reactive
1385, Sodium sulfide, anhydrous, Guide 135
1385, Sodium sulfide, with less than 30% water of crystallization, Guide 135
1385, Sodium sulphide, anhydrous, Guide 135
1385, Sodium sulphide, with less than 30% water of crystallization, Guide 135
1386, Seed cake, with more than 1.5% oil and not more than 11% moisture, Guide 135
1389, Alkali metal amalgam, Guide 138
1389, Alkali metal amalgam, liquid, Guide 138
1389, Alkali metal amalgam, solid, Guide 138
1390, Alkali metal amides, Guide 139
1391, Alkali metal dispersion, Guide 138
1391, Alkaline earth metal dispersion, Guide 138
1392, Alkaline earth metal amalgam, Guide 138
1393, Alkaline earth metal alloy, n.o.s., Guide 138
1394, Aluminum carbide, Guide 138
1395, Aluminum ferrosilicon powder, Guide 139
1396, Aluminum powder, uncoated, Guide 138
1397, Aluminum phosphide, Guide 139TIH & Water Reactive
1398, Aluminum silicon powder, uncoated, Guide 138
1400, Barium, Guide 138