INDEX of Chemical Names

- R -

Radioactive material, articles manufactured from depleted Uranium, 2909, Guide 161
Radioactive material, articles manufactured from natural Thorium, 2909, Guide 161
Radioactive material, articles manufactured from natural Uranium, 2909, Guide 161
Radioactive material, empty packages, 2908, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, articles manufactured from depleted Uranium, 2909, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, articles manufactured from depleted Uranium, 2910, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, articles manufactured from natural Thorium, 2909, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, articles manufactured from natural Thorium, 2910, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, articles manufactured from natural Uranium, 2909, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, articles manufactured from natural Uranium, 2910, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, empty packaging, 2908, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, empty packaging, 2910, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, instruments or articles, 2910, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, instruments or articles, 2911, Guide 161
Radioactive material, excepted package, limited quantity of material, 2910, Guide 161
Radioactive material, fissile, n.o.s., 2918, Guide 165
Radioactive material, instruments or articles, 2911, Guide 161
Radioactive material, limited quantity, n.o.s., 2910, Guide 161
Radioactive material, low specific activity (LSA), n.o.s., 2912, Guide 162
Radioactive material, low specific activity (LSA-I), 2912, Guide 162
Radioactive material, low specific activity (LSA-II), 3321, Guide 162
Radioactive material, low specific activity (LSA-II), fissile, 3324, Guide 165
Radioactive material, low specific activity (LSA-III), 3322, Guide 162
Radioactive material, low specific activity (LSA-III), fissile, 3325, Guide 165
Radioactive material, n.o.s., 2982, Guide 163
Radioactive material, special form, n.o.s., 2974, Guide 164
Radioactive material, surface contaminated objects (SCO), 2913, Guide 162
Radioactive material, surface contaminated objects (SCO-I), 2913, Guide 162
Radioactive material, surface contaminated objects (SCO-I), fissile, 3326, Guide 165
Radioactive material, surface contaminated objects (SCO-II), 2913, Guide 162
Radioactive material, surface contaminated objects (SCO-II), fissile, 3326, Guide 165
Radioactive material, transported under special arrangement, 2919, Guide 163
Radioactive material, transported under special arrangement, fissile, 3331, Guide 165
Radioactive material, Type A package, 2915, Guide 163
Radioactive material, Type A package, fissile, 3327, Guide 165
Radioactive material, Type A package, special form, 3332, Guide 164
Radioactive material, Type A package, special form, fissile, 3333, Guide 165
Radioactive material, Type B(M) package, 2917, Guide 163
Radioactive material, Type B(M) package, fissile, 3329, Guide 165
Radioactive material, Type B(U) package, 2916, Guide 163
Radioactive material, Type B(U) package, fissile, 3328, Guide 165
Radioactive material, Type C package, 3323, Guide 163
Radioactive material, Type C package, fissile, 3330, Guide 165
Radioactive material, Uranium hexafluoride, fissile, 2977, Guide 166TIH & Water Reactive
Radioactive material, Uranium hexafluoride, non-fissile or fissile excepted, 2978, Guide 166TIH & Water Reactive
Rags, oily, 1856, Guide 133
Rare gases and Nitrogen mixture, 1981, Guide 121
Rare gases and Nitrogen mixture, compressed, 1981, Guide 121
Rare gases and Oxygen mixture, 1980, Guide 122
Rare gases and Oxygen mixture, compressed, 1980, Guide 122
Rare gases mixture, 1979, Guide 121
Rare gases mixture, compressed, 1979, Guide 121
Receptacles, small, containing gas, 2037, Guide 115
Red phosphorus, 1338, Guide 133
Red phosphorus, amorphous, 1338, Guide 133
Refrigerant gas, n.o.s., 1078, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas, n.o.s. (flammable), 1954, Guide 115
Refrigerant gas R-12, 1028, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-12 and Refrigerant gas R-152a azeotropic mixture with 74% Refrigerant gas R-12, 2602, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-12B1, 1974, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-13, 1022, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-13 and Refrigerant gas R-23 azeotropic mixture with 60% Refrigerant gas R-13, 2599, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-13B1, 1009, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-14, compressed, 1982, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-21, 1029, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-22, 1018, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-23, 1984, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-23 and Refrigerant gas R-13 azeotropic mixture with 60% Refrigerant gas R-13, 2599, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-32, 3252, Guide 115
Refrigerant gas R-40, 1063, Guide 115
Refrigerant gas R-41, 2454, Guide 115
Refrigerant gas R-114, 1958, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-115, 1020, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-116, compressed, 2193, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-124, 1021, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-125, 3220, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-133a, 1983, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-134a, 3159, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-143a, 2035, Guide 115
Refrigerant gas R-142b, 2517, Guide 115
Refrigerant gas R-152a, 1030, Guide 115
Refrigerant gas R-152a and Refrigerant gas R-12 azeotropic mixture with 74% Refrigerant gas R-12, 2602, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-161, 2453, Guide 115
Refrigerant gas R-218, 2424, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-227, 3296, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-404A, 3337, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-407A, 3338, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-407B, 3339, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-407C, 3340, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-500 (azeotropic mixture of Refrigerant gas R-12 and Refrigerant gas R-152a with approximately 74% Refrigerant gas R-12), 2602, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-502, 1973, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-503 (azeotropic mixture of Refrigerant gas R-13 and Refrigerant gas R-23 with approximately 60% Refrigerant gas R-13), 2599, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-1216, 1858, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas R-1132a, 1959, Guide 116P
Refrigerant gas R-1318, 2422, Guide 126
Refrigerant gas RC-318, 1976, Guide 126
Refrigerating machine, 1993, Guide 128
Refrigerating machines, 8023, Guide 115
Refrigerating machines, containing Ammonia solutions (UN2073), 2857, Guide 126
Refrigerating machines, containing Ammonia solutions (UN2672), 2857, Guide 126
Refrigerating machines, containing flammable, liquefied gas, 1954, Guide 115
Refrigerating machines, containing flammable, non-poisonous, non-corrosive, liquefied gas, 1954, Guide 115
Refrigerating machines containing flammable, non-toxic, liquefied gas, 3358, Guide 115
Refrigerating machines, containing non-flammable, liquefied gas, 2857, Guide 126
Refrigerating machines, containing non-flammable, non-poisonous, liquefied gas, 2857, Guide 126
Refrigerating machines, containing non-flammable, non-poisonous, non-corrosive, liquefied gas, 2857, Guide 126
Refrigerating machines, containing non-flammable, non-toxic, liquefied gas, 2857, Guide 126
Refrigerating machines, containing non-flammable, non-toxic, non-corrosive, liquefied gas, 2857, Guide 126
Regulated medical waste, n.o.s., 3291, Guide 158
Regulated medical waste, 9275, Guide 158
Resin solution, 1866, Guide 127
Resorcinol, 2876, Guide 153
Rosin oil, 1286, Guide 127
Rubber scrap, powdered or granulated, 1345, Guide 133
Rubber shoddy, powdered or granulated, 1345, Guide 133
Rubber solution, 1287, Guide 127
Rubidium, 1423, Guide 138
Rubidium hydroxide, 2678, Guide 154
Rubidium hydroxide, solid, 2678, Guide 154
Rubidium hydroxide, solution, 2677, Guide 154
Rubidium metal, 1423, Guide 138