Method number: |
96 |
Matrix: |
Air |
Procedure: |
Samples are collected closed face by drawing known
volumes of air through sampling devices consisting of
three-piece opaque cassettes, each containing two
25-mm diameter extra thick glass fiber filters treated
with 10 mg of L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Quantitation
is performed by extracting the filters with methyl alcohol and
analyzing the extract by HPLC using a fluorescence detector. |
Recommended air volume and sampling rate: |
240 L at 1 L/min |
N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine |
N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine |
Target concentration: |
1 ppb (9.0
µg/m3) |
1 ppb (9.0
µg/m3) |
Reliable quantitation limit: |
17 ppt (150 ng/m3) |
3.0 ppt (27 ng/m3) |
Standard error of estimate at the target concentration: |
5.2% |
5.3% |
Status of method: |
Evaluated method. This method has been subjected to
the established evaluation procedures of the Organic Methods
Evaluation Branch. |
Date: September 1992 |
Chemist: Carl J.
Elskamp |
Organic Methods Evaluation Branch OSHA Salt Lake Technical
Center Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0200
1. General Discussion
1.1. Background
1.1.1. History
Previous to this evaluation there were no validated air sampling
procedures for N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine. Methods utilizing
collection on sulfuric acid-treated glass fiber filters have been
validated by the OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center for a number of
other aromatic amines. (Ref. 5.1.-5.7.)
The sulfuric acid on the filters facilitates the collection and
stabilization of the amines by forming the corresponding amine
salts. The salts are converted back to the free amines and are
either analyzed directly by HPLC or are derivatized and analyzed by
GC. For these two amines, it was found that acid-treated filters
proved to be an unacceptable collection medium because the amines
were readily lost through oxidation.
An alternative sampling procedure using 25-mm extra
thick glass fiber filters treated with the antioxidant Vitamin C was
developed and tested. The treated filter was found to be highly
effective in collecting the amines and the amines were stabilized,
even at room temperature storage, as long as the filters were
protected from light. This was accomplished by using opaque filter
cassettes, which are the same as used by OSHA for collecting
airborne asbestos. A 10-mg loading of Vitamin C on the
filters provides for an acceptable collection efficiency for the
amines without causing an analytical interference.
No exposure limits have been established for these two amines by
OSHA or ACGIH, but ACGIH categorizes
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine as a suspected human
carcinogen (Ref.
5.8.), and N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine is also
a suspected carcinogen (Ref.
5.9.). Based on the carcinogenic potential of these two amines
to humans, target concentrations of 1 ppb were chosen for this
The filters are extracted with methyl alcohol and the extract is
analyzed directly by HPLC using a fluorescence detector. The optimum
excitation wavelength is 330 nm for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and 300 nm for
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine, with the latter
fluorescing about six times more than the former. Although there was
no breakthrough detected in collection efficiency studies for either
amine after sampling for more than 360 L, a recommended air volume
of 240 L (4 h sample at 1 L/min) was chosen as a convenient sample
size. This also makes the target concentration about 50 times the
reliable quantitation limit for
1.1.2. Toxic effects (This section is for information only and
should not be taken as the basis of OSHA policy.)
N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine is a skin, eye, and mucous
membrane irritant. Exposure by inhalation may cause respiratory
irritation with sore nose, sore throat, and cough. (Ref.
5.10.) The toxicity has not been fully characterized. It is a
questionable carcinogen based on experimental data. When heated to
decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx.
N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine is an eye, skin, and mucous
membrane irritant. Exposure through inhalation may cause sore
throat, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, dizziness, faintness,
unconsciousness, bluish skin and methemoglobinemia. Previously
exposed persons may experience sensitization reactions. When heated
to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of
NOx. (Ref.
5.10.) The International Agency for Research on Cancer has
concluded that there is limited evidence for carcinogenicity of
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine to animals and
inadequate evidence for humans. (Ref. 5.11.)
ACGIH considers N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine to be a
suspected human carcinogen because 2-naphthylamine is both an
impurity in and a human metabolite of it. (Ref.
1.1.3. Workplace exposure
N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine is used in the production of dyes
and other organic chemicals, and also as a rubber antioxidant. (Ref.
N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine is primarily used as an
antioxidant in rubber processing. It is also used as a stabilizer in
electrical-insulating enamels and as an antioxidant in
other polymers, in greases, and in lubricating and transformer oils.
It is used as a chemical intermediate in the production of the
rubber antioxidant,
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine-acetone condensate, and
in the production of seven dyes. (Ref.
1.1.4. Physical properties and other descriptive information (Ref.
Property |
N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine |
N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine |
CAS number: molecular weight: melting
point: boiling point: vapor pressure: specific
gravity: |
90-30-2 219.29 55°C 335°C 0.1 mmHg at
20°C 1.23 |
135-88-6 219.29 108°C 395-399°C 15 mmHg at
235°C 1.24 |
description: |
tan to purple crushed solidor crystals with an
amine-like odor |
grey to tan flakes, rhombic crystals or powder |
solubility: |
insoluble in water; soluble in acetone, benzene,
alcohol |
insoluble in water; soluble in benzene, alcohol, ether,
actic acid, acetone |
synonyms: |
N-(1-naphthyl)aniline; a-naphthylphenylamine;
phenyl-1-naphthylamine; Aceto PAN; C.I. 44050;
Neozone A; PANA; Naugaurd PANA |
2-naphthylphenylamine; b-naphthylphenylamine;
anilinonaphthalene; 2-(phenylamino)naphthalene;
2-naphthylamine, N-phenyl-;
2-naphthalenamine, N-phenyl-;
Vanlube 82; PBNA; NCI-C02915; Antioxidant PBN;
Agerite Powder; Antioxidant 116; Nonox D; Neozone D;
Stabilator AR |
structural formula: |
The analyte air concentrations throughout this method are based on
the recommended sampling and analytical parameters. Air concentrations
listed in ppb and ppt are referenced to 25°C and 101.3 kPa (760 mmHg).
1.2. Limit defining parameters
1.2.1. Detection limit of the analytical procedure
The detection limits of the analytical procedure are 180 and 32.5
pg per injection for N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine
and N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. These
are the amounts of each analyte that will produce peaks with heights
that are approximately five times the baseline noise. (Section
1.2.2. Detection limit of the overall procedure
The detection limits of the overall procedure are 36.0 and 6.49
ng per sample for N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. These are
the amounts of each analyte spiked on filters that, upon analysis,
produce a peak similar in size to that of the respective detection
limit of the analytical procedure. These detection limits correspond
to air concentrations of 17 ppt (150 ng/m3
and 3.0 ppt (27 ng/m3 for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. (Section
1.2.3. Reliable quantitation limit
The reliable quantitation limits are 36.0 and 6.49 ng per sample
for N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. These are
the smallest amounts of each analyte spiked on sample filters that
can be quantitated within the requirements of a recovery of at least
75% and a precision (±1.96 SD) of ±25% or better. These reliable
quantitation limits correspond to air concentrations of 17 ppt (150
ng/m3 and 3.0 ppt (27
ng/m3 for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. (Section
The reliable quantitation limits and detection limits reported
in this method are based upon optimization of the instrumentation
for the smallest possible amount of analyte. When the target
concentration of an analyte is exceptionally higher than these
limits, they may not be attainable at the routine operating
1.2.4. Instrument response to the analyte
The instrument response over concentration ranges representing
0.5 to 2 times the target concentrations is linear for both
analytes. (Section
1.2.5. Recovery
The recoveries of N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine
and N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine from samples used
in 17-day ambient storage tests remained above 99% and
97% respectively. (Section
1.2.6. Precision (analytical method only)
The pooled coefficients of variation obtained from replicate
injections of analytical standards at 0.5, 1, and 2 times the target
concentrations are 0.0043 and 0.0019 for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. (Section
1.2.7. Precision (overall procedure)
The precisions at the 95% confidence level for the 17-day ambient
storage tests are ±10.2 and ±10.4% for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. These
include an additional ±5% for sampling error. (Section
1.2.8. Reproducibility
Six samples for each analyte, spiked by liquid injection, and a
draft copy of this procedure were given to a chemist unassociated
with this evaluation. The samples were analyzed after 11 days of
storage at approximately 0°C. No individual sample result deviated
from its theoretical value by more than the corresponding precision
of the overall procedure as reported in Section 1.2.7. (Section
1.3. Advantages
1.3.1. The Vitamin C treated glass fiber filter is not only a
very effective air sampling medium for these amines, the collected
amines remain stable, even at room temperatures.
1.3.2. The analysis is rapid, sensitive, and precise.
2. Sampling Procedure
2.1. Apparatus
2.1.1. Samples are collected using a personal sampling pump that
can be calibrated within ±5% of the recommended flow rate with the
sampling device attached.
2.1.2. Samples are
collected closed face using a sampling device consisting of two
25-mm extra thick glass fiber filters treated with 10
mg of Vitamin C contained in a three-piece opaque
cassette. The filters and carbon-filled polypropylene
cassettes used in this evaluation were from Gelman Sciences, Ann
Arbor, MI (product no. 66075 and 4376 respectively). The filters are
treated with 0.6 mL of a 16.67 mg/mL solution of Vitamin C in methyl
alcohol. (Note: The dissolution of Vitamin C in methyl alcohol can
be hastened by sonication.) This is conveniently done by placing the
untreated filters on a clean glass thin layer chromatography plate
and adding the Vitamin C solution to each filter using a dispenser
or pipetter. The filters are allowed to dry in a fume hood and can
be stored in a closed container in a refrigerator for at least 3
months. Before sampling is to begin, the treated filters are
assembled into three-piece 25-mm cassettes
without support pads. The top filter is separated from the bottom
filter by a 2-in. extension. (Note: The extension does
not have to be this long, but it is imperative that the two filters
are not in contact with each other in the cassette. This was the
only type of opaque 25-mm cassette available for this
evaluation.) The cassette sections are held in place to form
air-tight seals with shrink bands or tape. Plastic
plugs are inserted into the ends of the cassettes.
2.2. Reagents
None required.
2.3. Sampling technique
2.3.1. Remove the plastic end plugs from the sampling device
immediately before sampling.
2.3.2. Attach the sampling device to the sampling pump with
flexible, non-crimpable tubing and place the device in
the employee's breathing zone.
2.3.3. Immediately after sampling, insert the plastic end plugs
into the sampling devices.
2.3.4. Seal and identify each sampling device with an OSHA Form
2.3.5. Submit at least one blank with each sample set. Handle the
blanks in the same manner as the air samples, but draw no air
through them.
2.3.6. Record the volume of air sampled (in liters) for each
sample, along with any potential interferences.
2.4. Collection efficiency
Collection efficiency studies were conducted by drawing humid air
through a sampling device that was attached to a glass
U-tube which was immersed in an oil bath heated to 50°C.
Microliter amounts of stock standards were injected into the
U-tube. Tests were done individually for each amine by
injecting about 4.3 µg (approximately equal to two times the
target concentrations for a 240-L sample) into the
U-tube. The inlet of the U-tube was attached
to a humid air generator so air at approximately 80% relative humidity
could be drawn through it and the sampling device at 1 L/min. The
bottom filter in the cassette was replaced with a fresh filter every
30 minutes and was analyzed to detect any breakthrough from the top
filter. Similar tests were also done by adding amounts approximately
equal to ten times the target concentrations. None of the amines were
found on any of the bottom filters for any of the tests after sampling
for more than 360 min. The majority of the amine that was added to the
U-tube was always found on the top filter. Minor amounts
were found in the U-tube, which was determined by
analyzing rinses of the U-tube after sampling was
2.5. Extraction efficiency
2.5.1. The average extraction efficiencies from six filters for
each amine spiked at the target concentration are 94.9% and 96.7%
for N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. (Section
2.5.2. The stability of extracted samples was verified by
reanalyzing the extraction efficiency samples 24 h later using fresh
standards. The average recoveries for the reanalyzed samples are
92.8% and 92.9% for N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. (Section
4.9.) This same small loss of analyte was also observed in the
analytical standards, indicating that both analytical standards and
samples should be analyzed as soon as feasible after being prepared
and extracted respectively.
2.5.3. Extraction efficiencies must be determined for each lot of
treated filters. In order to prevent loss of analyte through
photo-oxidation, it is imperative that the filters are immediately
protected from light after they are spiked with the amine of
2.6. Recommended air volume and sampling rate
2.6.1. The recommended air volume is 240 L.
2.6.2. The recommended sampling rate is 1 L/min.
2.6.3. When short-term samples are required, the reliable
quantitation limits will be larger. For example, the reliable
quantitation limit for N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine
for a 15-L air sample would be 48 ppt (432
2.7. Interferences (sampling)
2.7.1. Any compound in the sampled air that will react with the
Vitamin C on the treated filters or with the collected analyte is a
potential sampling interference.
2.7.2. Suspected interferences should be reported to the
laboratory with submitted samples.
2.8. Safety precautions (sampling)
2.8.1. Attach the sampling equipment to the employees so it will
not interfere with work performance or safety.
2.8.2. Follow all safety procedures that apply to the work area
being sampled.
3. Analytical Procedure
3.1. Apparatus
3.1.1. An HPLC equipped with an fluorescence detector. A
Hewlett-Packard 1050 Series HPLC system and a Kratos
Analytical Spectroflow 980 Fluorescence Detector were used in this
3.1.2. An HPLC column capable of separating the amines from the
solvent, Vitamin C and interferences. A Waters
Nova-Pak™ C18
Radial-Pak™ (Millipore Corp., Milford, MA)
100-mm × 8-mm i.d. cartridge was used in
conjunction with a Waters RCM-100 radial compression
3.1.3. An electronic integrator or some other suitable means of
measuring peak areas or heights. A Waters 860 Networking Computer
System was used in this evaluation.
3.1.4. Small resealable vials with Teflon-lined caps capable of
holding at least 3 mL.
3.1.5. Dispensers or pipets capable of delivering 2.00 mL.
3.1.6. A rotator or rocker to extract the sample filters.
3.2. Reagents
3.2.1. N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine, reagent grade. The
amines used in this evaluation were from Aldrich Chemical Company,
Inc., Milwaukee, WI.
3.2.2. L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), reagent grade. The Vitamin C
used in this evaluation was from Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc.
3.2.3. Methyl alcohol, HPLC grade. The methyl alcohol used in
this evaluation was from Fisher Chemical, Fair Lawn, NJ.
3.2.4. Standard preparation solution, consisting of 5.0 mg/mL of
Vitamin C in methyl alcohol. (Note: The dissolution of Vitamin C in
methyl alcohol can be hastened by sonication.)
3.2.5. Water, HPLC grade. The water used in this evaluation was
from an in-house Millipore Milli-Q™ water
purification system.
3.3. Standard preparation
CARCINOGENIC. Restrict the use of the pure amines and
concentrated standards to regulated areas. All standards are
prepared and diluted with a preparation solution consisting of 5.0
mg/mL of Vitamin C in methyl alcohol. Prepare concentrated stock
standards by diluting 10 to 50 mg of the pure amines to 10.00 mL.
Prepare intermediate standards by diluting the appropriate volume of
concentrated stock standards to 25.00 or 50.00 mL. Prepare
analytical standards by injecting microliter amounts of intermediate
standards into vials that contain 2.00 mL of the preparation
solution. For example, a 3.380 µg/µL concentrated
stock standard of N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine is
prepared by dissolving 33.80 mg into 10.00 mL of preparation
solution. This is done by weighing the amine into a
10-mL volumetric flask and adding about 5 to 8 mL of
preparation solution. (Note: The flask can be sonicated to hasten
the dissolution of the amine.) After allowing the flask to cool to
room temperature if it is warm from sonication, the solution is
diluted to the mark with the preparation solution. An intermediate
standard of 0.5408 µg/µL is made by diluting 4.00 mL
of the concentrated stock to 25.00 mL. An analytical standard of
2.163 µg/sample is prepared by adding 4.00 µL of this
solution to 2.00 mL of preparation solution. Stock and intermediate
standards are stable for up to 3 months when refrigerated in amber
vials or bottles. Analytical standards must be prepared fresh daily.
3.3.2. Bracket sample concentrations with analytical standard
concentrations. If sample concentrations are higher than the upper
range of prepared standards, prepare additional standards to
ascertain detector response.
3.4. Sample preparation
3.4.1. Transfer the sample filters to separate 4-mL vials.
3.4.2. Add 2.00 mL of methyl alcohol to each vial.
3.4.3. Recap and rotate or rock the vials for 10 min.
3.4.4. Analyze the methyl alcohol extract of each sample by HPLC.
3.5. Analysis
3.5.1. HPLC conditions and information
injection volume: |
10 µL |
column: |
Waters Radial-Pak™ 100-mm × 8-mm i.d. Nova-Pak™
C18 cartridge in an
RCM-100 radial compression module |
mobile phase: |
85/15, methyl alcohol/water |
flow rate: |
2 mL/min |
retention times: |
N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine, 3.15 min
N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine, 3.21 min (Note: If
better separation of the two amines is required, the
strength of the mobile phase can be changed. For example,
when 68/32, methyl alcohol/water is used, the resulting
retention times are 12.0 and 12.8 min for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
respectively.) |
excitation wavelength: |
N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine, 330
nm N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine, 300 nm |
emission wavelength: |
370 nm standard long pass filter for both amines |
response time: |
2 sec |
photomultiplier voltage: |
1100 V |
chromatogram at 1× the target
concentration: |
 2.172 µg/sample of
N-Phenyl-1-Naphthylamine |
 2.163 µg/sample of
3.5.2. Construct acalibration curve by plotting response (peak
areas or heights) of standard injections versus micrograms of
analyte per sample. Bracket sample concentrations with standards.
3.6. Interferences (analytical)
3.6.1. Any compound that elutes in the same general time as the
amine of interest is a potential interference. Suspected
interferences reported to the laboratory with submitted samples by
the industrial hygienist must be considered before samples are
3.6.2. HPLC parameters may be changed to possibly circumvent
3.6.3. Retention time on a single column is not considered proof
of chemical identity. Analyte identity should be confirmed by mass
3.7. Calculations
The analyte concentration for samples is obtained from the proper
calibration curve in micrograms of analyte per sample. The bottom
filter is analyzed to determine if there was any breakthrough from the
top filter during sampling. If any analyte is found on any bottom
filter, that amount is added to the amount found on the corresponding
top filter. The combined amount is then corrected by subtracting the
total amount (if any) found on the corresponding blank filters. The
air concentrations are calculated using the following formulae.
µg/m3 = |
(µg of analyte per sample) (1000)
(L of air sampled)(extraction efficiency)
ppb = (µg/m3) (24.46)
/ (219.29) = (µg/m3)
where 24.46 is the molar volume at 25°C and 101.3 kPa (760 mmHg)
and 219.29 is the molecular weight for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
3.8. Safety precautions (analytical)
CARCINOGENIC. Restrict the use of the pure amines and
concentrated standards to regulated areas. Avoid skin contact and
inhalation of all chemicals.
3.8.2. Restrict the use of all chemicals to a fume hood if
3.8.3. Wear safety glasses and a lab coat at all times while in
the lab area.
4. Backup Data
4.1. Detection limit of the analytical procedure
The detection limits of 180 and 32.5 pg per injection were
determined by making 10-µL injections of dilute standards
equivalent to 36.0 and 6.49 ng per sample for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. These
amounts were judged to give peaks with heights approximately five
times the baseline noise.
 Figure 4.1.1. N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine analytical
detection limit chromatogram. |
 Figure 4.1.1. N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine analytical
detection limit chromatogram. Key: (1) matrix artifact, (2)
4.2. Detection limit of the overall procedure
The detection limits of the overall procedure were determined by
analyzing filters spiked with 36.0 and 6.49 ng of
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. These
amounts correspond to air concentrations of 17 ppt (150
ng/m3 and 3.0 ppt (27
ng/m3 for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively.
Table 4.2.1. Detection Limit of the
Overall Procedure for
sample no. |
ng spiked |
ng recovered |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 |
V36.7 36.6 32.7 33.4 38.8 36.2 |
| |
Table 4.2.2. Detection Limit of the
Overall Procedure for
sample no. |
ng spiked |
ng recovered |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 |
6.28 6.26 6.08 6.64 6.32 6.28 |
| |
4.3. Reliable quantitation limit
The reliable quantitation limits were determined by analyzing
filters spiked with 36.0 and 6.49 ng of
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively. These
amounts correspond to air concentrations of 17 ppt (150
ng/m3 and 3.0 ppt (27
ng/m3 for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively.
Table 4.3.1. Reliable Quantitation
Limit for N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine (Based on
samples and data of Table
recovered |
statistics |
101.9 101.7
90.8 92.8 107.8 100.6 |
mean = SD
= Precision = = |
99.3 6.3 (1.96)(±6.3) ±12.3 |
| |
Table 4.3.2. Reliable Quantitation
Limit for N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine (Based on
samples and data of Table
percent recovered |
statistics |
96.8 96.5 93.7 102.3
97.4 96.8 |
mean = SD
= Precision = = |
97.2 2.8 (1.96)(±2.8) ±5.5 |
| |
4.4. Instrument response to the analyte
The instrument response to the analytes over the range of 0.5 to 2
times the target concentrations was determined from multiple
injections of analytical standards. The response is linear for both
analytes with slopes (in area counts per micrograms of analyte per
sample) of 208,500 and 1,289,000 for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively.
Table 4.4.1. Instrument Response to
× target
concn µg/sample ppb |
0.5× 1.086 0.50 |
1× 2.172 1.01 |
2× 4.343 2.02 |
area counts |
234947 235168 234277 234099 233284 232461 |
460583 455839 454370 457300 454967 454185 |
906939 902739 907653 901471 903653 902948 |
mean |
234039 |
456207 |
904234 |
| |
 Figure 4.4.1. Instrument response to
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine. |
Table 4.4.2. Instrument Response to
× target
concn µg/sample ppb |
0.5× 1.082 0.50 |
1× 2.163 1.01 |
2× 4.326 2.01 |
area counts |
1402007 1403870 1401188 1404162 1400473 1395011 |
2808776 2801588 2802869 2795701 2792481 2798636 |
5573809 5566549 5569283 5569898 5564317 5560347 |
mean |
1401118 |
2800008 |
5567367 |
| |
 Figure 4.4.2. Instrument response to
4.5. Storage test
Thirty-six storage samples for each analyte were prepared by
spiking microliter amounts of intermediate standards onto Vitamin C
treated glass fiber filters. The amounts of analytes spiked (2.164
µg of N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and 2.153
µg of N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine) are equal
to the target concentrations. The filters were then assembled in
cassettes and 240 L of air at approximately 80% relative humidity and
21°C were drawn through each sampling device. Six samples for each
amine were analyzed immediately, fifteen were stored in a refrigerator
at 0°C, and fifteen were stored at approximately 21°C. Six samples for
each amine, three from refrigerated and three from ambient storage,
were analyzed at intervals over a period of seventeen days. The
recoveries of N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine from samples stored at
ambient temperature remained above 99% and 97% respectively.
Table 4.5.1. Storage Test for
days of storage |
% recovery (refrigerated) |
% recovery (ambient) |
0 0 3 7 10 14 17 |
100.7 101.4 98.9 102.4 96.3 102.5 102.2 |
99.4 97.7 99.2 97.5 96.9 101.8 99.6 |
96.2 99.5 101.2 97.9 101.9 102.2 96.1 |
100.7 101.4 98.1 99.2 97.8 97.7 98.9 |
99.4 97.7 100.5 100.5 98.8 99.3 101.5 |
96.2 99.5 100.4 98.4 99.2 97.6 98.1 |
Table 4.5.2. Storage Test for
days of storage |
% recovery (refrigerated) |
% recovery (ambient) |
0 0 3 7 10 14 17 |
99.4 100.0 99.4 99.4 99.5 101.3 99.8 |
99.7 99.4 99.8 99.3 98.5 101.0 99.5 |
100.3 99.3 100.1 98.9 99.6 99.2 99.1 |
99.4 100.0 97.2 97.6 98.7 98.4 98.0 |
99.7 99.4 99.6 96.8 96.5 98.4 98.2 |
100.3 99.3 99.6 94.0 93.2 96.9 99.0 |
4.6. Precision (analytical method only)
The precision of the analytical method for each analyte is the
pooled coefficient of variation determined from replicate injections
of standards. The coefficients of variation (CV) are calculated from
the data from Tables 4.4.1. and 4.4.2. The pooled coefficients of
variation are 0.0043 and 0.0019 for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively.
Table 4.6.1. Precision of the Analytical
Method for N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine (Based
on the Data of Table
× target
concn µg/sample ppb |
0.5× 1.086 0.50 |
1× 2.172 1.01 |
2× 4.343 2.02 |
mean CV |
234039 0.00437 |
456207 0.00532 |
904234 0.00275 |
| |
Table 4.6.2. Precision of the Analytical
Method for N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine (Based
on the Data of Table
× target
concn µg/sample ppb |
0.5× 1.082 0.50 |
1× 2.163 1.01 |
2× 4.326 2.01 |
mean CV |
1401118 0.00237 |
2800008 0.00205 |
5567367 0.00085 |
| |
4.7. Precision (overall procedure)
The precision of the overall procedure is determined from the
storage data. The determination of the standard error of estimate
(SEE) for a regression line plotted through the graphed storage data
allows the inclusion of storage time as one of the factors affecting
overall precision. The SEE is similar to the standard deviation,
except it is a measure of dispersion of data about a regression line
instead of about a mean. It is determined with the following equation:
where |
n = k
= k = |
total no. of data points 2 for linear
regression 3 for quadratic regression |
= |
observed percent recovery at a given time |
= |
estimated percent recovery from the regression line at the
same given time |
An additional 5% for pump error is added to the SEE by the addition
of variances. The precision at the 95% confidence level is obtained by
multiplying the SEE (with pump error included) by 1.96 (the
z-statistic from the standard normal distribution at the
95% confidence level). The 95% confidence intervals are drawn about
their respective regression line in the storage graph as shown in Figure The data for Figures org096.html4.5.1.2.
were used to determine the SEEs of ±5.2% and ±5.3% and the precisions
of the overall procedure of ±10.2% and ±10.4% for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively.
4.8. Reproducibility
Samples were prepared by injecting microliter quantities of
standards onto Vitamin C treated filters, assembling the filters into
cassettes, and drawing 240 L of 80% relative humidity air through the
samplers. The samples were stored for 11 days at 0°C before being
analyzed by another chemist. No individual sample result deviated from
its theoretical value by more than the corresponding precision of the
overall procedure. The precisions of the overall procedure are ±10.2%
and ±10.4% for N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively.
Table 4.8.1. Reproducibility Data for
µg spiked |
µg found |
% found |
% difference |
1.773 2.172 4.343 1.330 2.172 4.343 |
1.805 2.155 4.372 1.334 2.199 4.317 |
101.8 99.2 100.7 100.3 101.2 99.4 |
+1.8 -0.8 +0.7 +0.3 +1.2 -0.6 |
| |
Table 4.8.2. Reproducibility Data for
µg spiked |
µg found |
% found |
% difference |
2.163 4.326 2.704 2.163 3.245 2.704 |
2.121 4.312 2.667 2.198 3.376 2.848 |
98.1 99.7 98.6 101.6 104.0
105.3 |
-1.9 -0.3 -1.4 +1.6 +4.0 +5.3 |
| |
4.9. Extraction efficiency
Six Vitamin C treated filters for each analyte were spiked with the
target concentration amounts by liquid injection (2.164 and 2.153
µg of N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine respectively). These
samples were analyzed to determine the extraction efficiencies. To
determine the stability of extracted samples, these same samples were
allowed to remain at room temperature for 24 h and reanalyzed using
fresh standards.
Table 4.9.1. Extraction Efficiency for
sample number |
% extraction (initial) |
% extraction (24 h later) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 mean |
94.0 90.9 96.3 98.2 92.7 97.5 94.9 |
92.1 89.8 94.5 95.4 89.6 95.7 92.8 |
| |
Table 4.9.2. Extraction Efficiency for
sample number |
% extraction (initial) |
% extraction (24 h later) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 mean |
97.0 98.4 95.5 97.7 95.3 96.4 96.7 |
92.4 93.5 91.6 94.6 92.2 92.9 92.9 |
| |
5. References
5.1. "OSHA Analytical Methods Manual", 2nd ed.;
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration; OSHA Analytical Laboratory: Salt Lake City, UT, 1990;
Method 57; American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
(ACGIH): Cincinnati, OH, Publication No. 4542.
5.2. ibid. Method 65.
5.3. ibid. Method 71.
5.4. ibid. Method 73.
5.5. ibid. Method 78.
5.6. Elskamp, C.J. "OSHA Method No. 87;
m-, o-, and
p-Phenylenediamine", OSHA Salt Lake Technical
Center, unpublished, Salt Lake City, UT 84165, February 1991.
5.7. Elskamp, C.J. "OSHA Method No. 93;
4-Aminobiphenyl, 1-Naphthylamine, and 2-Naphthylamine",
OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center, unpublished, Salt Lake City, UT
84165, January 1992.
5.8. "Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values
and Biological Exposure Indices", 5th ed.; American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists Inc.: Cincinnati, OH, 1986; p 73.
5.9. Lewis, R.J., Sr., Ed. "Sax's Dangerous
Properties of Industrial Materials", 8th ed.; Van Nostrand Reinhold
Co.: New York, NY, 1992.
5.10. Occupational Health Services, Inc.:
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for
N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and
N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine, Jan. 1991.
5.11. "IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenicity:
An Updating of IARC Monographs", Volumes 1 to 42, Suppl 7, pp
318-319. International Agency for Research on Cancer:
Lyon, 1987.
5.12. Sax, N.I.; Lewis, R.J. Sr., Eds. "Hawley's
Condensed Chemical Dictionary", 11th ed.; Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.:
New York, NY, 1987.